Spain issued more than 35.000 Golden Visa since 2013

According to the Spanish Government, Spain has issued 35.422 Golden Visa since 2013 earning € 6.500 million. If we take a look on the number of permits granted based on nationality, the Chinese were the first, followed by Indian and Russian.    This data demonstrates that Spanish Golden Visa is one of the most popular and attractive programs all over Europe, and the main question is, why?  Why should you…

According to the Spanish Government, Spain has issued 35.422 Golden Visa since 2013 earning € 6.500 millionIf we take a look on the number of permits granted based on nationality, the Chinese were the first, followed by Indian and Russian 

 This data demonstrates that Spanish Golden Visa is one of the most popular and attractive programs all over Europe, and the main question is, why? 

Why should you invest in Spain? 

According to a recent study, Spain is the best country to live after de coronavirus crisis. Moreover, the country is known for its fantastic weathercosmopolitan cities like Madrid and Barcelona, beautiful landscapes and quality and family life. To all this we have to add other important characteristics: 

Move around the Schengen Zone  

One of the main benefits of the Spanish Golden Visa it is that you can travel and move around the Schengen area without the need of a visa.   

Good quality life for you and your family 

As we have said before, Spain offers an excellent quality lifecheap living costs (Spain is below average in comparison with other European countries) and excellent balanced job-life. Spain has everything you need to start a new life with your family. 

Permit to work in Spain with the Golden Visa 

The Spanish residence permit allows you to work in Spain. So, if you plan to look for a job in the country, we recommend you research the job market before moving to the country.     

Permission for you and your family  

Your family (spouse and children under 18) also receive the visa residence permit. Spain offers a great educational system, with prestigious collages and well-known and reputed universities for your children. 

 Well renowned health system 

The Spanish healthcare system is one of the most advanced in the world, ranking among the first positions in numerous international rankings. 

 Finally, it is important to highlight that Spain has de 4th most powerful passport in the world, after Japan, Germany and South Korea.  

 Investment options to get the Golden Visa 

All the international investors who want to get the Golden Visa they have different options to choose: 

  • €1.000.000 bank deposit:Funds transfer of €1.000.000 to a Spanish bank deposit. You receive automatically the Spanish residence permit and you can travel and enter to the country with your new visa. This option has increased during the pandemic and many international investors are applying for this residence option without leaving their country.  

  • €500.000 real estate investment. We offer virtual tours so you can see all the properties without leaving your country.

  • Government bonds: €200.000 investment into government bonds.
  • Share of business: €1.000.000 investment in shares of Spanish companies.

 If you are interested in one of these options, do not hesitate to contact us. Together we will study your needs, and offer you the best option according to your requirement. 

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